Sustainability is ingrained in our core, therefore we only use wood from trees that are not endangered species, have fallen already, or will be cut down due to internal disease in their trunks and pose safety hazards.

We are against deforestation. 

Sustainability is our primordial value.

Join our cause

  • We are providing nourishment to children in the community of Monte Sinai, Guayaquil, Ecuador, who tragically lost their parents during the pandemic. Recognizing the vulnerability of these children, we are offering breakfast to all of them in this community, which is not only one of the poorest but also among the most dangerous areas in the region. Our aim is to bring a measure of stability and care to their lives during these challenging times.

  • We are collaborating with Fundación La Iguana to combat deforestation. We've realized that in order to effectively contribute to reforestation, it's essential first to address the root cause of deforestation. By supporting communities, providing skill-building opportunities, and assisting in job acquisition, we are addressing the economic motivations behind tree felling. Many individuals resort to cutting down trees as a means to support their families. Therefore, by offering workshops and skill development programs, we aim to empower these communities, making a sustainable change possible.

  • We are educating the community on cultivating medicinal herbs to address their wounds and various health issues, offering them a valuable alternative due to their lack of access to hospitals and healthcare institutions. This initiative not only equips them with an essential skill for personal care but also opens up the opportunity for a side business. By learning to grow and potentially sell these medicinal herbs, community members can empower themselves towards self-sustainability. This endeavor aims to foster independence and improve health outcomes in an accessible and impactful way.